Monday, December 12, 2011

Myra Hindley Ian Brady Court Transcripts

Luka Magnotta                       Luka Magnotta                 Luka Magnotta

Lesley Ann Downey Tape Transcript.

This is the Lesley Ann Downey transcript in its entirety taken by Leonard Milner, a shorthand typist of the Supreme court in 1966. From 'The trial of Myra Hindley and Ian Brady' byJonathan Goodman.

It's worth pointing out that they are urging her to put a scarf gag in her mouth, nothing sexual as many assume. The tape didn't indicate that they cut her fingers off either as is commonly said. 

Luka Magnotta

Two magnetic recording tapes were found in the brown suitcase. On one tape were two identical tracks of the voices of a man, a woman and a child. At the end of each of these tracks was a recording of two songs, 'Jolly St Nicholas' and 'The little Drummer Boy', which a witness recognised as being from a long-playing record by The Ray Conniff Singers, entitled We Wish You A Merry Christmas, the other tape contained four tracks: (a) A recording of music, (b) a Goon Showrecording, (c) a recording of a commentary by Freddie Grisewood, (d) a recording of a man, a woman and a child which was identical to the two tracks on the other tape. The witness said that having spoken to Brady and Hindley on many occasions he was able to identify the voices of the man and woman on the tape as those of the accused.


Man - This is track four.
Man - Get out of the fucking road.
Man - Get in the fucking basket.
(sound of door banging)
(crackling noise)
(steps across the room and then a recording noise followed by blowing sound into the microphone)
Woman - (Voice quiet, unreadable)
(footsteps, light, walking across room; whispered conversation at the same time)
(speech, distant, containing word 'upstairs'; then two footsteps)
Child - (screaming) Don't. Mum--Ah.
Woman - (whispering) Come on.
Woman - (whispering) Shut up.
Child - (pleading) Oh, please.
Child - Oh. (then faintly:) Help - oh.
Child - Help. (followed by gurgling noise)
Woman - Sh. Sh.
Woman - Shut up. Shut UP.
(Screams and gurgles)
Child - Oh. Oh. Oh. (child crying)
Woman - (whispering) Keep - and you'll be all right.
Woman - (whispering) Go on.
(Quick footsteps mounting stairs, then entering room)
(Child crying, muffled)
Man - (whispering) Here.
Woman - Hush, hush. Go on.
(woman speaking, unreadable)
(Child crying)
Woman - You are all right. Hush, hush. Put it in your mouth - hush and shift that hand.
(child crying)
Woman- Put it in your mouth and keep it in and you'll be all right.
Woman - Put it in, stop it.
Woman- If you don't--shh.
(child crying)
Woman - In your mouth. Hush, hush. Shut up or I'll forget myself and hit you one. Keep it in.
(Child whimpering)
Man - Put it in.
Woman- (Spoken quickly) Put it in.
Man - (speaks, but words unreadable except for the word 'hand')
Man - Put it in. Keep it in. Stop it now. Stop it now.
Woman - I'm only doing this and you'll be all right.
Woman - Put it in your mouth. Put it in--in.
(further words spoken by the woman which are unreadable except for 'put it in')
Woman - Will you stop it, stop it.
(womans voice unreadable)
(Child whimpering)
Woman - Shut--
Man - Quick. Put it in now.
(Child whimpering)
(retching noise)
Man - Just put it in now, love. Put it in now.
(retching noise)
Child - (muffled) What's this in for?
Man - Put it in.
Child - Can I just tell you summat? I must tell you summat. Please, take your hands off me a minute, please, please-- Mummy--please.
Child- I can't tell you.
Child - (in quick sequence) I can't tell you, I can't breathe. Oh.
Child - I can't--Dad-Will you take your hands off me?
(man whispering)
Man - No. Tell me.
Child -  Please God.
Man - Tell me.
Child - I can't while you've got your hands on me.
(mumbling sound)
Man - Why don't you keep it in?
Child - Why? What are you going to do with me?
Man - I want some photographs,  that's all.
Man - Put it in.
Child - Don't undress me, will you?
Woman - That's right, don't --
Child - It hurts me. I want to see Mummy, honest to God.
Man - Put it in.
Child - I'll swear on the Bible.
Man - Put it in, and hurry up now. The quicker you do this, the quicker you'll get home.
Child - I've got to go, because I'm going out with my Mamma. Leave me, please. Help me, will you?
Man - Put it in your mouth and you'll be all right.
Child - Will you let me go when this is out?
Man - Yes. the longer it takes you to do this, the longer it takes you to get home.
Child - What are you going to do with me first?
Man - I'm going to take some photographs. Put it in your mouth.
Child - What for?
Man - Put it in your mouth. (pause) Right in.
Child - I'm not going to do owt.
Man - Put it in. If you don't keep that hand down, I'll  slit your neck. (pause) Put it in.
Child - Won't you let me go? Please.
Man - No, no. Put it in, stop talking.
Man - What's your name?
Child - Lesley.
Man - Lesley what?
Child - Ann.
Man - What's your second name?
Child - Westford. Westford.
Man - Westford?
Child - I have to get home before 8 o'clock. I got to get --(pause) Or I'll get killed if I don't. Honest to God.
Man - Yes.
(Quick footsteps of woman leaving room and going downstairs; then a click; then woman's footsteps coming upstairs; then eight longer strides)
Man - What is it?
Woman - I've left the light on.
Man - You 'ave?
Woman - So that -- (remainder of sentence unreadable)
(Child starts crying)
Child - It hurts me neck.
Man - Hush, put it in your mouth and you'll be all right.
Woman - Now listen, shurrup crying.
Child - (crying) It hurts on me --
Woman - (interrupting) Hush! Shut up. Now, put it in. Pull that hand away and don't dally and just keep your mouth shut, please.
Woman - Wait a bit, I'll put this on again. D'you get me?
Child - (whining) No, I -- (remainder of sentence unreadable)
Woman - Sh. Hush. Put that in your mouth. And again, packed more solid.
(whispered sentences, unreadable)
Child - I want to go home. Honest to god. I'll (further speech muffled but uninterrupted) -- before eight o'clock.
Woman - No, it's all right.
Man - Eh!
(Music commences, country-style tune followed by 'Jolly St Nicholas', during which various non-vocal noises can be heard; then tune 'The Little Drummer Boy' during which a voice speaks -unreadable)
(Three loud cracks, systematic, even-timed)
(Music- 'The Little Drummer Boy' -- goes fainter)
(Sounds on tape cease)
Luka Magnotta

Luka Magnotta Model Luka Magnotta


  1. what sort of FREAK!!!!!poses under a trancript of this, FREAK

  2. That child was tortured and murdered, what kind of sick individual are you to be posing next to the transcript of her last moments on earth.

  3. googled luka magnotta lesley ann downey while watching don't f**k with cats, and found this. it's worth noting that this exact transcript was posted at least earlier in 2011 by several other blogs (notable here: ), so magnotta had just copied it
